Reiulf Ramstad Architects_Church of Knarvik

click on the image_photographs Reiulf Ramstad Architects
Church of Knarvik
The Church of Knarvik holds an important position as a cultural provider and a communicator for the
Christian message and community, on holidays and during every day. The church will be central for a
safe childhood environment and at the same time be a platform for cultural development, arts and
music in the community.
The church is friendly placed in the terrain and has dimensions that respect and blend harmoniously
into the landscape’s vegetation, topography and that stress the space qualities. The church and its
outdoors are developed to the place and the soon to come central square in Knarvik. The church of
Knarvik will become a local venue for visitation and faith through the whole week. The project shall
appear invitingly and including for all people.
The church of Knarvik will be an inspiring and a worthy place for gatherings that shows great respect for the Christian faith, people, climate and the environment.
Community church, Knarvik
Reiulf Ramstad Architects: Reiulf Ramstad, Ragnhild Snustad, Ådne S Trodahl, Christian S Fuglset,
Anders Tjønneland
Project communication: Kristin Ramstad, Emilie Lamer Schjetlein
location: Knarvik, Lindås, Norway
program: New Community Church with cultural facilities and administration
client: Lindås Kyrkjelege Fellesråd; Lindås Church Council
size: 2250m2
commission type: 1st prize, Invited competition (2010)
status: Competition proposal
year: 2010