6th European Sustainable Cities and Towns Conference - Dunkerque 2010
19 - 21 maggio 2010, Dunkerque, France
The Dunkerque 2010 conference will explore how local sustainability can represent an answer to the current economic, social and climate challenges and how it can be further implemented at a European level under the actual financial and political frameworks. It will also offer a unique opportunity to assess and push forward the progress and achievements of European local governments in the field of sustainable development. After the successful conferences of Aalborg 1994, Lisbon 1996, Hanover 2000, Aalborg 2004 and Sevilla 2007, more than 1000 local government leaders as well as representative of local government networks, European institutions and NGOs are expected to take part in the largest European conference dedicated to local sustainable development. The conference is jointly organised by the Metropolitan Council of Dunkerque and the ESCT Campaign partners, which brings together the experience of several European local government networks and cites. Info: www.iclei-europe.org - www.dunkerque2010.org