Daniel Faust+Christian Schmitt

Si apre con il progetto di Daniel Faust e Christian Schmitt, “Spacehotel Motion”, la nuova sezione ‘Explorer’. ‘Explorer’ ospiterà i progetti che usano la tecnologia, da quella digitale a quella dell’automazione. “SPACEHOTEL MOTION è il progetto per un hotel pensato per la rotazione attorno all’orbita del nostro pianeta e destinato ad essere usato da 300 persone contemporaneamente. Ciò significa che durante l’anno potrà essere utilizzato da circa 20.000 turisti. Il movimento nello spazio pone la necessità di relazionarsi con la gravità e la gravità zero e a dover considerare perciò in un modo più specialistico, il movimento, lo spazio e il tempo.”
Spacehotel Motion aims at illustrating a hotel in the orbit of our planet earth and is designed to be used by 300 people at one time, meaning a volume of 20 000 tourists can be served per year.
Motion envisions the linking up with gravity and zero gravity while dealing in a more sophisticated way with motion, space and time.
Having the assignment to design in space beyond our atmosphere and the familiar contact with the three conventional dimensions, the man’s imagination is first confronted by the fact that all coordinates (x,y,z) are equal and by the realization that there is at least one more dimension.
The 3 dimensional sphere | allraum
To create gravity zones we developed a three dimensional sphere called “allraum” as a response to our conventional world view of Newton.
This 3d sphere covers the private areas of the spacehotel Motion.
The module consists of an outside and inside sphere. The outside sphere serves protection and mechanics, the inside sphere combines the different utilization areas (living, sleeping, cleaning). Inside of every 3d sphere utilizations are ascribed which face each other in the interior.
Entering your 3d sphere, you will be accelerated if desired and switched from the inside track (grey spheres) to the outside track (red spheres, in motion) through an entry track.
On this outside track you will be moved with constant speed on a big circle track. Gravity is simulated by the motion of the outer space along the outside circle track. You will be slightly attracted by its space when activated (0.3 g).
The utilizations are activated by the rotation of the sphere toward the gravity axis. You can walk inside your 3d sphere from space to space.
You feel light and enjoy the lightness of being. At the same time it is possible to orientate and feel much more comfortable while sleeping, eating and above all using the toilet.
the four dimensional sphere | hyperspace
It orientates itself not by Newton (3d sphere) but it describes the principles of Einstein as a continuum of time and space. The inner sphere serves as the public and social adventure space. According to the physical extension of the space concept of the past century it has been developed to a four dimensional sphere.
The inner area allows to change the described space permanently by a change of shape.
Developed out of a role model of a public square it´s assignment is to focus, to distribute, to be solemn, soft and cuddly or freaky. The Hyperspace can vary between intimate cosiness and generous openness through a reconfiguration of space structure. This Hyperspace is to offer always the best possible nature of a stay and is to be able to simulate a day (morning and evening mood).
The 4D sphere works over a multi-layered membrane. The outside is resistant to influences from outer space and is therefore less flexible. The inside is made of flexible skin. Above all this skin has to guarantee the atmospherically haptic and colourwise ability to adjust. Both of them, the membrane and the skin, make the change possible by restructuring and arranging gel masses to new configurations (compare time familiar). Additional space configurations can be made possible by lacing up membranes radially (compare time openness). Through an overlapping of both transformations yet unknown variations of space arise (compare time cosiness). Along the longitudinal axis the space can vary between several qualities and theoretically achieves an infinite number of space reconfigurations.
Experience value and permanent analyses of the users requests should coordinate the atmospheric quality timewise.
Our Hyperspace represents the architectural answer for the comprehension of time and space in the new millennium!
The cover of the 4D sphere is also responsible for the energy production. It takes care of it with the help of a solar fibre which can produce power out of sunlight. This fibre consists of a filament-like supporting material which is coated with several layers of non-crystal silicon. Two additional conducting electrodes make electricity generation possible.
The energy is obtained by the surface of the sun-facing membrane whereas the side which is turned away from the sun is responsible for the necessary heat transport back into outer space through the membrane and its technical interlayer.
plug-ins | leisure time activities
Leisure time activities are linked up as plug-ins to the 4d sphere.
They embody the entertainment and extrem sports oportunities of the spacehotel and are logical replies for the need of our addiction to attractions, because they can be replaced at any time if required.
Of course plug-ins also use the advantage of zero gravity and can be linked to the 4d sphere at certain places.
The opening up begins at the outside ring with a reception room (similar to a hotel entrance hall).
Being used to gravity it is desirable to be lead in zero gravity. Customary ways need a suitable three dimensional translation. To avoid flying permanently through zero gravity, contact to the three dimensional street has to be given by contact shoes.
This street (blue) develops from here to collect the guest and gives him orientation in zero gravity. The surface of the tube-shaped street turns into the inside surface (yellow) of the space which leads into the inside center of the station.
At the end of the short space the principle is turned upside down. On the one hand the inside walls break open again to inside space and on the other hand they break open to the outside wall of the three dimensional main street inside. Such a principle is necessary to take hold of motion streams in space without gravity and to divert them. Spaces and open structures transform into each other continuously.
At the same time the three dimensional streets serve as supply for the inside space.
To create zones of specific use in zero gravity, we developed three dimensional extensions of conventional table cultures. These table volumes can be grouped in space as desired to form bigger but also smaller arrangements.
[Daniel Faust+Christian Schmitt]
©copyright archphoto 2005-Daniel Faust+Christian Schmitt architects