Martin Azùa. Designer sociale
Martin Azúa, architetto diplomato all’Università Politecnica di Barcellona concentra la sua ricerca tematica nel sociale e nell’ecologia, ne sono un esempio la Casa Nido, la Casa Basica gonfiabile e il design del Banco Pantalla. Nest House
Plaited fence A metallic screen adapted to an urban bench which proportions are adapted to gather the movements of a person chit-chating calmly. Speakers’ images are recorded and projected into a real size and time. A new dimension wants to be given to the images, extracting them out of the broadcasting ignorant screens, to obtain a major implication, a communication information based on the personal relations. The first version was designed by Martin Azúa in 1999, it is EVA’s case for a chair that was showed in “Future Compost” exhibition in Barcelona in 1999. In 2003 I developed screenbench for Culture Forum of Barcelona 2004. Basic House ![]() Martin Azùa
Born in Basque Country in 1965, lives and works in Barcelona. Graduated in fine arts with the especialization of Design at the University of Barcelona. Postgraduated in Arquitecture and Design of Ephemeral Constructions by the Politecnic University of Barcelona. He lives in Barcelona where combines his work as designer with teaching in Design College of Design Elisava and in the 2nd cycle Degree in Design for the UPC Politecnic University of Catalonia. Actually colaborates as designer in many companies and institutions, activity that he combines with a permanent work of experimentation and investigation, shown in many individual and collective expositions such as; Exposition “Safe” in the MOMA of New York, “Strangely familiar: design and everyday life”, Walker Art Center, Minneapolis, USSA, Exposition. Royal Institute of British Architects Londres. “Living in Motion” Vitra Design Museum Alemania. Projects published at important magazines and international publications. Author of World Swimming Championships of Barcelona 2003 Medals and the packaging of the Olimpic Candidacy for Madrid 2012, Design of Fad 2007 Medals. His piece Basic House was adquired by the MOMA of New York Collection. Designer of the exposition “Sed” for the Expo Zaragoza 2008 Expohogar regalo Awards 1999, 2000, 2001, 2005, 2006. Top Nominated Index Award 2005, City of Barcelona Prize 2000. [Martín Azúa] |